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Hi, I'm trying use AkEvent to test a sound out in Edit Mode (aka without running the game), by simply pressing the "Play" button on the AkEvent.

I am testing this out in a fresh scene that only has the following:

1) WwiseGlobal gameobject (AkInitializer)
2) Camera with default AkListener
3) A gameobject with an AkBank set to load my SoundBank on Awake
4) A gameobject with an AkEvent

If I open the Scene and press "Play" on the AkEvent, no sound comes out (the "Play" button changes to "Stop" for what I imagine is the duration of the sound, and then back to "Play", but no audio comes out).

If I run the game in that scene (enter Play Mode), and press "Play" on the AkEvent, I can hear the sound fine.

If I then stop the game (exit Play Mode), and press "Play" on the AkEvent, I can still hear the sound then - but as soon as I switch scenes, or reload the current scene, the "Play" button no longer works until I run the game.

Nothing is changing the position of any of the gameobjects in the scene, so as far as I know it isn't that the AkEvent gameobject is making no sound because of attenuation (also, it works in Edit Mode AFTER I run the game and stop it).

Am I missing any settings? Are you guys able to test out your sounds without running the game first? I've googled this topic and read a couple posts on this forum, and I believe that it should be possible to hear the sounds without running the game first.

I'd gladly record a video showing the issue, if that would help. Our Wwise version in our unity project is:

Wwise Unity Integration Version Info:
Based on Wwise SDK: 2019.2.5 Build 7349
Unity Integration Bundle: 2019.2.5.1831
Unity Integration Version: 19

Thanks a lot for any help!
in General Discussion by James M. (800 points)
edited by James M.

1 Answer

0 votes
I'm not sure, but it might be related with a soundbank not being loaded. Awake is called in play mode (unless a script is marked as ExecuteAlways) so it isn't being loaded when you press that button.

There are 2 possible solutions in my mind:
1) either connect from wwise to unity for profiling & authoring (this should make wwise plays audio directly from its editor)
2) write a simple script that will load bank in editor mode - it should be pretty straightforward.
by nehvaleem (140 points)
Hey negvaleem, thanks for the response. Yeah, I'm hoping to not have to do #1, since what I'm trying to set up is just a casual way to test out SFX without running the scene, or doing any special setup (connecting to the wwise profiler).

I tried #2, and unfortunately it did not work. I've tried several combinations of things, and found other posts on this forum but nothing worked. I tried manually loading the SoundBank (AkBank's HandleEvent() as well as directly going to AK.Wwise.Bank and using Load()). None of it results in the AkEvent producing any sound, until I run the scene.

Would really love to have a way to set this up, if anyone has any other advice I'd super appreciate it. I can't think of anything I could possibly have set up incorrectly, and I'm fairly certain (based on some changelogs I've read from a while back) that I should be able to do this. Just not sure whats wrong!