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No sound in Cube game in WWise-101 Certification

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I'm new to Wwise and very excited to try it out!

I've installed Wwise and started following the Wwise-101 guide

I've reached the point where you have to test the game with the initial sounds in it - that's instruction 4 in on this page:

I can play the game - but I hear no sounds from it!

Any help on how to troubleshoot would be greatly valued!

I've installed Wwise 2019.2.9.7459
I'm on macOS 11.2.2
asked Mar 9, 2021 in General Discussion by Gizmo (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Gizmo, 

Glad to hear you've decided to learn Wwise. 

That is unfortunate that you do not hear any sound. That said, the best way to figure out why you do not hear any sounds is in an upcoming lesson using the Profiler. With it, you should be able to see any error messages that prevent the audio from playing. You can proceed to that exercise without deleting the Soundbanks in the lesson if you want to figure out what the problem is with the current setup. 

You could also try opening the lesson 2 Wwise Project and play any of the sounds (click on a sound, press space). If you hear it, then the problem most likely lies with Cube / SoundBanks (you should see the error in the Profiler). If you don't hear anything, then check your computer's sound settings and Audio > Authoring Audio Preferences in Wwise. 

Let me know if this helps. 

answered Mar 10, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,780 points)
Hi Mads,

Thanks for taking the time to answer this!

I got away from it - game dev is often a multi-hat thing, you know - sorry, to leave you hanging there.

But now I just returned to take a look. I updated to Wwise 2021 - and that seems to help it out!

It even has a nice fantasy vibe going on this time! That + sound events working is truly good stuff!

I don't know what the problem was in my first attempt - but it seems to have solved itself by upgrading!
Hello again Gizmo. Glad to hear it's working, but I would not advise you to use Wwise 2021.1 if you're going through the certification. Or at least not yet. Currently, the certifications are based off Wwise 2019.1, meaning a lot of the content may not look the same as with 2021.1. Instead, I would suggest you download Wwise 2019.1.11 (the newest one with the same look and features) and use that throughout the certification. Pretty much everything you learn there will contribute to your understanding of 2021.1 as well.
Hope it works, otherwise, let us know.