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Hi there, I need help. I'm going through the certification training and gotten to the end of Lesson 1. I carefully went through the instruction twice and reached the end (Integrated Sound into the Game) and appear to have done everything correctly - at least as far as what everything is supposed to LOOK like. But when I reach the end and am instructed to "Play the Game!" I hear no sound at all. My IceGem_Blast makes no sound. I can hear the sound when I test it in Wwise but not when I play Cube. Also - there are no other sounds in Cube as that was part of the training in the "Installing the Course Materials" section. Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Wwise 2021.1.10.7883         Mac OS 11.6.4
in General Discussion by john b. (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Can you confirm that the soundbank is being written into the correct folder?  If you go to the soundbanks view and click User Settings, the Mac soundbank folder should be Z:\Applications\Audiokinetic\Wwise <version>\Cube\cube\soundbanks\Mac
by Allen L. (Audiokinetic) (1.0k points)
I heard about this problem from different people. Did you manage to resolve this issue? I agree that sometimes learning is not easy. This is especially true for young people who do not have enough experience. Therefore, such resources and online platforms like are necessary to facilitate the educational process. Usually, I use this platform to order quality articles. Which gives me the opportunity to better prepare and get cool material in a short time. I believe that this is the best option for people who do not have sufficient writing skills and talent.
so cool really
I am having the same problem. I am not going for certification, only to learn the program, so the fact that I'm using a later version than advised for compatibility shouldn't matter so much. I am on about the fifth try, and I'm sure that the problem is at the integration stage. So here are some comments:

1. screen five of Adding an Event: In the lower right view... it is implied by the previous screenshot that  I have the Audio panel open and Actor-Mixer Hierarchy/IceGem_Blast selected. I chased around over  these five attempts to find this, and it turns out that I should have switched to the Soundbanks tab in Project Explorer.

2. Generating Soundbanks: the tool layout has changed, I guess. There is no User Settings button, instead the yellow gear icon at the top right of the Soundbank Manager window has User Soundbank Settings as an option. Also, where the lesson says "selected", the manager says "checked" -- ambiguous, since checked can mean verified as well as selected.

At some point I realized that whatever is supposed to happen, it is supposed to happen where I deleted the Soundbanks folder as instructed earlier in the lesson. (In fact after a couple of attempts I thought to rename it instead, so that I'd remember where it was meant to be.) So...

The Generating a Soundbank page instructs me to navigate to the ...\cube\cube folder. I assumed, now on my fifth try, that Wwise would create the folder. In fact, I have to create a folder named Soundbanks and then select that. Once I did that, success! I now have a Soundbanks folder in the right place... but it does not contain the hierarchies that the original renamed folder has -- it is missing the Windows subfolder. Windows and English is checked in Soundbank Manager as it should be.