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–1 vote

In Unreal Engine 4.25, is there a way to assign the button "Generate sound data..." to a shortcut ? I'm using event-based packaging workflow in unreal engine which is really convenient and easy to use. Using it, I find myself hitting the button "Generate sound data..." a LOT of times. Whereas with classic soundbank workflow you could just hit ctrl+shift+F7 in Wwise to "generale all soundbanks on current platform", in Unreal you have to unroll the build menu to find and click on "generate sound data", select the platform, validate. It's a ux detail but repeting these actions dozens of times a day is a bit tedious.

Thank you.
in Feature Requests by Noé M. (190 points)

1 Answer

–1 vote
Hello Noé,

From want i know there's no way actually to put a shorcut on the generated soundBank in Unreal but the best way i found is actually ducking the Waapi Picker next to your content browser and you have a Big Generate Sound Data on the top Right.

You can find de Waapi Picker in Window/Waapi Picker in Unreal.

Hope that help!

by Frédéric A. (220 points)
Nice tip, that removes one clic, it's already something ! I'll try it out, thanks.