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0 votes
Project is too big to push through Git  but if i exclude the project file in my unity root folder other people get the error: project folder not found

So what can i do to work on the project and other people hear sounds without having to put the entire project into Unity?

Thank you
in General Discussion by Gregory L. (140 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Hi, if others get this error while running the game, just go to Edit -> Wwise Settings and disable "Enable copying of soundbanks at pre-Build step", it should solve it (Wwise won't try to reach the non-existent Wwise project).

+ make sure that you push the soundbanks for others, that's everything they need if they don't work with sounds.
by Radek Karnik (990 points)
That's actually an issue I've been encountering with git: everything EXCEPT the soundbanks will push. Do you know what's causing this?