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0 votes
After following updating instructions as closely as possible we have found new errors when trying to use a mixer - plugin.  I am unsure of how to proceed or at what level the error is occurring at.  Any pointers to help to debug this would be much appreciated.

Wwise: Could not find plugin dynamic library OculusSpatializerWwise
AkInitializer:CopyMonitoringInConsole(ErrorCode, ErrorLevel, UInt32, UInt64, String) (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:294)
AkCallbackManager:PostCallbacks() (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/API/Handwritten/AkCallbackManager.cs:263)
AkInitializer:LateUpdate() (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:263)

Wwise: Plug-in not registered: 9572518
AkInitializer:CopyMonitoringInConsole(ErrorCode, ErrorLevel, UInt32, UInt64, String) (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:294)
AkCallbackManager:PostCallbacks() (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/API/Handwritten/AkCallbackManager.cs:263)
AkInitializer:LateUpdate() (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:263)

Thank you in advance!
in General Discussion by Phillip K. (100 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Have you gotten any way around it?
by David V. (160 points)
–1 vote

Hello Phillip,

Have you copied the OculusSpatializerWwise.xml and OculusSpatializerWwise.dll files in "Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2017.X.X.XXXX\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\plugins".
After this, you should copy the .dll file in "UnityProject\Assets\Wwise\Deployment\Plugins\Windows\x86_64\DSP"

by Hugo S. (120 points)