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I've recently set up a project in UE 4.8.1 using the latest Wwise integration, and now that everything works I began integrating the Oculus Audio SDK version 0.11.3 (latest) to work with Wwise 2015.1. The process is pretty straightforward, copy the .dll's into the Win32/Win64 release directories, etc. When I have everything set up and I try to play a sound through the OSP set up with the Spatializer I get a crash with no attached information other than the report GUI.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is the last step I need to complete before getting up and running! Is there any logging information outputted anywhere regarding the crash?

Thanks for your time.
in General Discussion by Seth W. (100 points)

This issue is still being run into using Wwise 2015.1 and is blocking tasks related to getting spatialized audio into the game. Is there any insight on why this crash would be happening?

Thanks for your time.

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