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In my version of Wwise for Unity, the PostEvent method requires a uint as third argument, and not a AkCallBackType. How do I convert an AkCallBackType into a uint then? I understand I should use a bitmask, but it doesn't seem to work neither.

For instance, this : PostEvent(myEventName, myGameObject, AKCallbackType.AK_EnableGetSourcePlayPosition | AKCallbackType.AK_EndOfEvent);

triggers this error :  Argument `#3' cannot convert `AkCallbackType' expression to type `uint'

Am I missing something?

in General Discussion by Julian M. (290 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Found it ! I simply had to cast my AKCallbackType objects as uint...

So this should work well : PostEvent(myEventName, myGameObject, (uint) AKCallbackType.AK_EnableGetSourcePlayPosition | (uint) AKCallbackType.AK_EndOfEvent);

by Julian M. (290 points)