Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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54 × license 52 × wwise-2018 52 × wwise-101 52 × mac-authoring 52 × windows 52 × limbo 52 × 1 48 × ps4 48 × occlusion 48 × listener 48 × footsteps 48 × help 48 × import 46 × reverb 46 × api 46 × loop 46 × bus 46 × sound 44 × wag-wwise-adventure-game 44 × music-segment 44 × build-error 44 × version-control 44 × effect 44 × voice 44 × transition 42 × strata 42 × unity-2017 42 × xboxone 42 × akambient 42 × blueprint 42 × macos 42 × gameobject 40 × no-audio 40 × output-device 40 × failed-to-load-soundbank 40 × beta 40 × installer 38 × remote-connect 38 × packaging 38 × unrealengine 38 × problem 38 × states 38 × game 36 × akevents 36 × memory 36 × c# 36 × generate 36 × playlist 34 × wwise2021 34 × akspatialaudiovolume 34 × reflect 34 × 101 34 × upgrade 34 × switch-container 34 × postevent 34 × source 32 × windows-10 32 × certification 32 × surround 32 × ambient-sound