Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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22 × wwise-251 22 × resonance 22 × akacousticportal 22 × game-defined-reverb 22 × runcubedemo 22 × rev 22 × custom-cue 22 × xcode 22 × runtime 22 × room 22 × transitions 22 × conversion 22 × sfx 22 × object 22 × stereo 22 × file 22 × wav 22 × segment 22 × version 22 × support 22 × parameter 22 × 2d 20 × unity-2019 20 × 2019 20 × remote-connection 20 × #cubedemo 20 × soundbank-generation 20 × akcomponent 20 × wwise-audio-input 20 × mixer-plugin 20 × picker 20 × blend-container 20 × svn 20 × aksoundengine 20 × pause 20 × 5 20 × mix 20 × remote 20 × stop 20 × seek 20 × documentation 20 × container 20 × synchronization 18 × wwise2022 18 × m1 18 × multiple-listeners 18 × wag 18 × unity-2018 18 × wwise-plugin 18 × wwise-2016 18 × mute 18 × 3d-sound 18 × prepareevent 18 × ambisonic 18 × 2015 18 × git 18 × multiple-positions 18 × setswitch 18 × routing 18 × reverb-volume