Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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32 × github 32 × dialogue 32 × playback 32 × performance 30 × random-container 30 × spatialization 30 × trigger 30 × pc 30 × settings 30 × authoring 28 × installion 28 × music-switch-container 28 × ambisonics 28 × vr 28 × oculus 28 × dllnotfoundexception 28 × output 28 × missing 28 × editor 26 × wwise-sdk 26 × ps5 26 × event-based-packaging 26 × feature-request 26 × source-control 26 × mac-os-x 26 × aux-bus 26 × recorder 26 × multiplayer 26 × capture 26 × script 26 × profiling 26 × unity-4 26 × vorbis 26 × streaming 26 × issue 26 × stinger 26 × random 26 × engine 24 × virtual-voice 24 × download-issue 24 × automation 24 × wwise-meter 24 × localization 24 × marker 24 × mono 24 × initialisation 24 × audio-engine 24 × timeline 24 × obstruction 24 × platform 24 × compile 24 × delay 24 × wem 24 × 2 24 × not 22 × waql 22 × beta2021 22 × wwise-301 22 × #unity 22 × nintendo-switch