Our team is using SVN to manage revisions on a Unity project with Wwise integration (Unity 2020.3 LTS & Wwise 2021.1.7). We are frequently getting "ID Not Found" errors for Wwise events on SOME of the working copies. They will pull all changes so their working copy is up to date and get these errors even though a person that pulls a pristine copy of the repo does NOT get these errors. Not all team members are experiencing this, only some of them.
Those that get the errors try to use the 'Wwise Picker' to refresh the project and regenerate the soundbanks but this does not fix the issue for them. Note that some of these teammates will not have Wwise installed on their computer as they do not work on audio (would this mess up their ability to generate soundbanks?)
I am suspicious about our audio programmer not always pushing the right changes and also that we may have the ignore properties setup incorrectly. Just looking for any tips on how I could double-check these aspects.
What specific files might need to be updated to resolve an 'Event ID Not Found' error? I want to check those against our commit logs and against our ignore settings to make sure they are being properly included.