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+1 vote

Hi Wwisers !!!

I have installed Wwise Launcher and built a version for Linux (on Windows laptop).

Inside SDK directory we have Linux_x64 and Linux_x32 containing respectively static and shared librairies for 64bits and 32bits architectures.

I used the Linux_x64 to build a custom sound engine and it works well.

I have a problem to build it on a raspberry 4 (Raspbian 32 bits/ ARMv7l) using Linux_x32 static and shared librairies.

arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -o bin/sound-engine obj/sound-engine.o obj/SoundEngine/AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.o obj/SoundEngine/AkDefaultIOHookDeferred.o obj/SoundEngine/AkFileLocationBase.o obj/SoundEngine/AkFilePackage.o obj/SoundEngine/stdafx.o obj/SoundEngine/AkDefaultLowLevelIODispatcher.o obj/SoundEngine/AkMultipleFileLocation.o obj/SoundEngine/AkFilePackageLUT.o -L./lib/static/armv7l -lAkMemoryMgr -lAkStreamMgr -lAkMusicEngine -lAkSoundEngine -lCommunicationCentral -lAkSpatialAudio -L./lib/shared/armv7l -lAkAudioInput -lAkCompressor -lAkDelay -lAkExpander -lAkFlanger -lAkGain -lAkGuitarDistortion -lAkHarmonizer -lAkMatrixReverb -lAkMotion -lAkParametricEQ -lAkPeakLimiter -lAkPitchShifter -lAkRecorder -lAkReflect -lAkRoomVerb -lAkSilenceGenerator -lAkSineTone -lAkSoundSeedAir -lAkSoundSeedImpact -lAkStereoDelay -lAkSynthOne -lAkTimeStretch -lAkToneGen -lAkTremolo -lAuro -lMasteringSuite -lMcDSP -liZotope -lpthread -ldl

/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible ./lib/static/armv7l/libAkMemoryMgr.a when searching for -lAkMemoryMgr
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lAkMemoryMgr

and so on with every library.

I think I need to use Linux_arm SDK librairies but Wwise Launcher doesn't offer such a target.

Any ideas ?


in General Discussion by Saïd L. (160 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
We do not provide prebuilt binaries for Linux ARM at the moment; only x86 and x86_64 are provided.

You can ask for L2 source code access and then it would then be possible to compile the Sound Engine with an ARM toolchain using the provided Makefiles.
by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23.6k points)
selected by Saïd L.