Hi Wwisers !!!
I have installed Wwise Launcher and built a version for Linux (on Windows laptop).
Inside SDK directory we have Linux_x64 and Linux_x32 containing respectively static and shared librairies for 64bits and 32bits architectures.
I used the Linux_x64 to build a custom sound engine and it works well.
I have a problem to build it on a raspberry 4 (Raspbian 32 bits/ ARMv7l) using Linux_x32 static and shared librairies.
arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -o bin/sound-engine obj/sound-engine.o obj/SoundEngine/AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.o obj/SoundEngine/AkDefaultIOHookDeferred.o obj/SoundEngine/AkFileLocationBase.o obj/SoundEngine/AkFilePackage.o obj/SoundEngine/stdafx.o obj/SoundEngine/AkDefaultLowLevelIODispatcher.o obj/SoundEngine/AkMultipleFileLocation.o obj/SoundEngine/AkFilePackageLUT.o -L./lib/static/armv7l -lAkMemoryMgr -lAkStreamMgr -lAkMusicEngine -lAkSoundEngine -lCommunicationCentral -lAkSpatialAudio -L./lib/shared/armv7l -lAkAudioInput -lAkCompressor -lAkDelay -lAkExpander -lAkFlanger -lAkGain -lAkGuitarDistortion -lAkHarmonizer -lAkMatrixReverb -lAkMotion -lAkParametricEQ -lAkPeakLimiter -lAkPitchShifter -lAkRecorder -lAkReflect -lAkRoomVerb -lAkSilenceGenerator -lAkSineTone -lAkSoundSeedAir -lAkSoundSeedImpact -lAkStereoDelay -lAkSynthOne -lAkTimeStretch -lAkToneGen -lAkTremolo -lAuro -lMasteringSuite -lMcDSP -liZotope -lpthread -ldl
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible ./lib/static/armv7l/libAkMemoryMgr.a when searching for -lAkMemoryMgr
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lAkMemoryMgr
and so on with every library.
I think I need to use Linux_arm SDK librairies but Wwise Launcher doesn't offer such a target.
Any ideas ?