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+3 votes
If I add markers to a source file in the source editor and then use a seek action with "seek to nearest marker" on, it doesn't work with either Time or Percent randomized.
I have tested with a looping and non looping file, as well with markers added via external sample editor.

It would appear the behavior just doesn't work as described in the documentation.
Am I missing something?
in General Discussion by Alec Brady (700 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
if you are placing markers in Wwise manually (or detected according to transients) on a source file that didn't have markers when you imported it, it works ONLY if you convert the source file after applying the markers.

It is also necessary that the relative event plays the Platform object only, NOT the original, otherwise it will just randomize the playback start position without seeking the marker.

If you import a file with markers already in, it will work straight away even if you play the Original in the Event.

You still need to convert it if you want to play the Platform Object only though.
by Simone C. (160 points)