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I am having trouble exporting from UE 4.6 it always fails to complete launching or packaging. I can  package the wwisedemoproject levels, as well as levels I create in that project. But not when I create a new project, including the ones from the blueprint templates it fails. We thought that it might be a plug in problem; but we created a brand new UE4 engine with only wwise and yet to no avail. It fails during the cooking process, according to the text file. It says that there is an automation tool error.  Is there anything special we have to do in the export settings to allow our levels to launch/package? Do note everything works when we play the levels in the editor.

This is the output log that UE4 made.


Thank you for your time


in General Discussion by Robert M. (4.6k points)

1 Answer

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That log file does not seem to contain Wwise specific errors; but there are a lot of errors about missing content. Did you make sure to download the UE4 content zips from GitHub? They contain all sample content, which seem to be missing from your installation.
by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16.0k points)