We recently upgraded our project from Unity 2018.4.28f1 and Wwise 2018.1.7.6880 to Unity 2020.3.19f1 and Wwise 2021.1.3.7665.
Since upgrading, when I connect Wwise to the game running in editor, after connecting it presents this error:, when the game is running and I open the Remote Connections dialog, it spams the following error:
WampInvokeError WAMP CALL error 'ak.wwise.locked' invoking 'ak.wwise.core.object.get': 'Cannot execute call because Wwise has an exclusive lock. Please try again later.' Args:
"waql": "from type Project"
, Options:
"return": [
, Details:
"reasons": [
"Waiting for user to close a modal dialog"
"procedureUri": "ak.wwise.core.object.get"
I can connect to the instance of the game. Wwise then connects and I can see audio bouncing the meters, but hitting the Capture button (or Alt+C) does nothing and Wwise refuses to Profile in real time.
As far as I can tell, there is no modal dialog open in Unity. I have tried resetting the Unity layout to ensure nothing custom is open/docked in Unity, the results are the same.
This is a showstopper on our project, any help would be greatly appreciated.