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+2 votes

Latest Wwise Launcher v2021.2.1.1450  is not installing certain plugins when their install box is checked.

With 'Authoring' only checked, Windows platform.

REV, Igniter Live, Boom etc. folders and contents are not being created in the ..\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\Plugins directory.

Previous versions of WwiseLauncher had worked fine installing all plugins for Wwise 2019 + 2021 versions.

Note: when installing 2021.1.4.7707, any checked plugin with a version no. that doesn't end .7707 is ignored during install.

(Issue tested and confirmed on pc and macbook pro with no previous Wwise versions installed)

in General Discussion by Steve C. (150 points)
edited by Steve C.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Steve!

I'm sorry to hear that this isn't working for you. Unfortunately, we weren't able to reproduce the issue. Would you be willing to provide a Launcher log for us to investigate further?

The logs are located in %temp%\WwiseLauncher\Log on Windows.

Thanks a lot,

by Oleksandr P. (1.2k points)
Thanks Oleksandr, I will try and add a zip here of my 2 launcher logs; one from a 2021.1.4 install which has no reference to 'Crankcase' or 'REV' at all and the other after installing 2019.1.11 when REV installed ok.
To confirm, when selecting/deselecting these plugins in Launcher, the 'download size' or 'install size' does not change/update for 2019.2 or 2021.1 installs ...but it does when installing 2019.1 ??
I submitted my logs with my support ticket #TBS-36493-169.
Hope you have access to those?
I do, thank you very much! We're already working on a server-side solution, I will get back to you once the situation is resolved.