E: Solved. In the UE4 project folder, I deleted Intermediate, Derived Data Cache, and the Saved folder, clicked my .uproject->Generate Visual Studio Files, and rebuilt the project.
We recently copied our project into a new folder, the Wwise project included.
Now, clicking UE4Menu->Build->Generate Sound Data no longer works: while it claims to be successful, changes I make in the Wwise project have no effect in the game.
We updated the Wwise project path in the integration settings. We tried refreshing the sound banks, clearing sound data (checked all checkboxes), we tried recreating the sound banks, we tried generating sound data after and in between each step, nothing works.
What does oddly work is pressing the 'Connect' button and connecting to the game instance in the Wwise project GUI. When connected, all changes immediately take effect in game (no need to Generate Sound Data), however as soon as I press disconnect, Generating Sound Data again removes the new changes.
This is making development into an impossible scenario where all progress halts. What can I do to fix this? What setting do I have to change? What cache do I need to delete? Any help is appreciated!
E: This prints to the output log when trying to Generate Sound Data (however the small prompt at the lower right corner still says it was successful):
LogAkSoundData: Display: Running C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2021.1.3.7665\Authoring\Win32\Release\bin\WwiseConsole.exe generate-soundbank "F:/Projects/namesw-git-testing/NameBR 4.27_WwiseProject/NameBR 4.27_WwiseProject.wproj" --use-stable-guid --import-definition-file "C:/Users/MyUsername/AppData/Local/Temp/CookUAkAudioEvent91A5D25
7496667A769AEFCB59CB517F3.txt" --platform "Windows" --soundbank-path Windows "F:/Projects/namesw-git-testing/Content/SoundBanks/Windows" --bank "C:/Users/MyUsername/AppData/Local/Temp/WwiseConsoleBankList12B6A5A74D78FE1350A41CAF1B90AE9C.txt"
LogWindows: Warning: CreateProc failed: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x00000002)
LogWindows: Warning: URL: C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2021.1.3.7665\Authoring\Win32\Release\bin\WwiseConsole.exe generate-soundbank "F:/Projects/namesw-git-testing/NameBR 4.27_WwiseProject/NameBR 4.27_WwiseProject.wproj" --use-stable-guid --import-definition-file "C:/Users/MyUsername/AppData/Local/Temp/CookUAkAudioEvent91A5D257496667
A769AEFCB59CB517F3.txt" --platform "Windows" --soundbank-path Windows "F:/Projects/namesw-git-testing/Content/SoundBanks/Windows" --bank "C:/Users/MyUsername/AppData/Local/Temp/WwiseConsoleBankList12B6A5A74D78FE1350A41CAF1B90AE9C.txt"
LogAkSoundData: Error: Failed to run WwiseConsole: C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2021.1.3.7665\Authoring\Win32\Release\bin\WwiseConsole.exe generate-soundbank "F:/Projects/namesw-git-testing/NameBR 4.27_WwiseProject/NameBR 4.27_WwiseProject.wproj" --use-stable-guid --import-definition-file "C:/Users/MyUsername/AppData/Local/Temp/CookUA
kAudioEvent91A5D257496667A769AEFCB59CB517F3.txt" --platform "Windows" --soundbank-path Windows "F:/Projects/namesw-git-testing/Content/SoundBanks/Windows" --bank "C:/Users/MyUsername/AppData/Local/Temp/WwiseConsoleBankList12B6A5A74D78FE1350A41CAF1B90AE9C.txt"
LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'F:/Projects/namesw-git-testing/Content/SoundBanks' was aborted.
LogAkSoundData: Display: WwiseConsole Sound Data Builder task was successful and took 0.059977 seconds.
And when trying to create a new test sound bank with an event, and playing it, this shows in the output log:
LogAkAudio: Error: Event ID not found: 2621170792
LogAkAudio: Error: Failed posting event: Play_Pum