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+2 votes

Hello everyone! Working on a Wwise/UE4 project
Having an issue while trying to generate the soundbank in UE4. I followed the usual steps (creating a soundbank object with the same name than in Wwise, draged and dropped Events from the Wwise Picker to the Content browser and assigned each events to the soundbank...) but when i try to generate the soundbank (either by right clicking on it ==> generate soundbank or via the Build icon ===> Generation Sound Data) i have the message: "Generating Wwise Sound Data Failled)

Here is below a screenshot of the log 


Does it ring a bell to any of you ? That would be of great help and time saving
Thanks guys

in General Discussion by Angel I. (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The error key message is "Project contains errors and cannot be loaded". Make sure your project can be correctly open by the Wwise Authoring application, and if not inspect the error message reported by Wwise to understand what is wrong.

One possible cause of a project containing errors is an incomplete source control synchronization or a commit that did not contain all the expected files.
by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23.6k points)
Thanks Samuel for your help ! actually here is the message popping

LogSlate: Window 'Generate Sound Data' being destroyed
LogWwiseProjectParser: Could not parse the Cache directory from the Wwise project file. Using default value : .cache
LogWwiseProjectParser: Could not parse the Cache directory from the Wwise project file. Using default value : .cache
LogAnimationCompression: Building Anim DDC data for AnimSequence /Game/Characters/MainCharacters/Brawler/Animation/Sequences/A_Brawler_HangingCliffLookBack.A_Brawler_HangingCliffLookBack
LogAkSoundData: Display: Running C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2019.2.4.7329\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\WwiseConsole.exe generate-soundbank "C:/Users/pc/Documents/MANDRAGORA/man/man_WwiseProject/man_WwiseProject.wproj" --use-stable-guid --import-definition-file "C:/Users/pc/AppData/Local/Temp/CookUAkAudioEvent828031EE4C7B1522FABD3EB2ADB1B6BB.txt"
--platform "Windows" --soundbank-path Windows "C:/Users/pc/Documents/MANDRAGORA/man/Content/WwiseAudio/Windows" --bank "C:/Users/pc/AppData/Local/Temp/WwiseConsoleBankList1BF06A274806DD3119A04A97CEA05160.txt"
LogAkSoundData: Display: Wwise | v2019.2.4 | Build no.7329 | (C) 2006-2020. Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved.
*** Loading Project ***
Error: Project contains errors and cannot be loaded
LogAkSoundData: Error: WwiseConsole failed with error 1.
LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/pc/Documents/MANDRAGORA/man/Content/WwiseAudio' was aborted.
LogAkSoundData: Display: WwiseConsole Sound Data Builder task failed and took 0.591896 seconds.
LogAkAudio: Error: Cannot open file: Init.bnk
LogAkAudio: Error: Bank Load Failed
LogAkAudio: Error: Cannot open file: Main.bnk
LogAkAudio: Error: Bank Load Failed
LogAkAudio: Error: Cannot open file: Soundbank_Main.bnk
LogAkAudio: Error: Bank Load Failed

I am not sure what is going wrong here as i have a done the integration process fine. Are you able to see what i could do to fix this issue ? Thanks
Hello Samuel! Any idea what this log could mean ? :) That would really help
That's still an Unreal log: open it in Authoring, it will give more details on what exactly is invalid in the project.