Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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I am able to create an offline installer for wWise and then silently install the launcher, copy the wWise directory, install the prerequisites and set the WWISEROOT and WWISESDK environment varibales. Is there a way to get the launcher to detect the installation without going into it and selecting it manually?
in Feature Requests by Craig S. (120 points)
recategorized by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)

1 Answer

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Best answer
At the moment, there is no way to automatically find existing installations.
I will add this feature request to our system.
by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23.6k points)
selected by Craig S.