I would like to create a Curve through ak.wwise.core.object.create, the documentation indicates that it's possible (This page links to the page for supported types, and "Curve" is one of them.). The Curve I need to add is to assign an RTPC to a property on a Bus.
However, for the creation call we must specify a parent object, but it's unclear which types are acceptable as parents. I tried to view an existing Curve's parent object created manually through the authoring tool with WAQL. $ "{my-curve-id}" shows that "1 object is found", however, when I try $ "{my-curve-id}" select parent no objects are found, which seems to indicate that this object doesn't have a parent. However, the call to ak.wwise.core.object.create will fail if no parent is specified.
I've tried a few random objects as parents, but generally get the error "Curve can't be child of ...".
If it's possible to create curves through waapi, what are acceptable parents?
Otherwise, can I workaround this by modifying the wwu file directly with some guid I generate myself?