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+2 votes


I want to transition from one playlist to another and sync to one of the custom cues. I would like to use this to make sure that music always transitions to one of the segments in the same key.

It seems to only work if I select a specific segment as a destination. If I put entire playlist as a destination, custom cues are ignored and the transition syncs to the beginning of a new playlist instead. 

Any idea whether transitioning to a custom cue situated within an entire playlist is even supported?
I would appreciate your help.

Here are my settings as a reference:

I am using wwise 2019.2.9.

in General Discussion by Pawel G. (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I would like to know this as well. I've been trying to set up a very similar music system with no result.
by Marco L. (180 points)