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0 votes

Steps to repro.
1. Make sure "Disable Unity Audio" is unchecked. So both Unity and Wwise audio engines are both enabled.
2. Deploy on tvOS 14.x
3. Note. This does not crash on iOS

Unity 2020.3.5f1
Wwise 2021.1.0.7575

Crash logs

Thread 38 Crashed:
0   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100d80e2c CAkSinkiOS::Configure(AkChannelConfig&) + 11914796 (AkSink.cpp:186)
1   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100d80dfc CAkSinkiOS::Configure(AkChannelConfig&) + 11914748 (AkSink.cpp:170)
2   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100d80bc0 CAkSinkiOS::Activate(AkChannelConfig&) + 11914176 (AkSink.cpp:269)
3   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100cfb2e4 AkDevice::CreateSink() + 11367140 (AkOutputMgr.cpp:1284)
4   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100cfba7c CAkOutputMgr::InitDevice(AkDevice*&) + 11369084 (AkOutputMgr.cpp:1417)
5   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100cfc518 CAkOutputMgr::_AddOutputDevice(unsigned long long, AkOutputSettings&, unsigned int, AkSet<unsigned long long, AkHybridAllocator<8u, (unsigned char)16, (AkMemID)4>, AkGrowByPolicy_Proportional>&, AkSetType, bool, bool, bool) + 11371800 (AkOutputMgr.cpp:1598)
6   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100cfd324 CAkOutputMgr::InitMainDevice(AkOutputSettings const&) + 11375396 (AkOutputMgr.cpp:1716)
7   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100ca9f54 CAkAudioMgr::ProcessMsgQueue(bool, bool&) + 11034452 (AkAudioMgr.cpp:0)
8   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100ca8e44 CAkAudioMgr::Perform(bool) + 11030084 (AkAudioMgr.cpp:522)
9   UnityFramework                    0x0000000100d56434 CAkAudioThread::EventMgrThreadFunc(void*) + 11740212 (AkAudioThread.cpp:68)
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x0000000191f93db8 _pthread_start + 288
11  libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x0000000191f9c59c thread_start + 8
in General Discussion by van l. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hey Van, 

This sounds a lot like a Bug Report. Please consider using the Wwise Launcher's Bug Reporter instead, as it will be sent directly to the appropriate teams.

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)