We develop a game using UE4 and Wwise 2019 for audio. Using the Convolution plugin triggers a random crash in the AkConvolutionReverb thread, in what appears to be some normal processing.
For the moment we have a basic setup, with just a few convolution effects added. It seems that only removing the convolution reverb effects from the wwise project will stop the crash from happening. (Note that it is a random crash, can't really link it to some specific sounds being played, or some audio volumes, etc.)
the callstack of the crash looks like this:
> AkConvolutionReverb.dll!CAkHalfPrecisionConvolutionEngine::ExecuteChannels(float * * io_pfData, unsigned long in_uNumFrames, unsigned long in_uNumChannels, float in_fInputThreshold, unsigned char * in_puIrChannelIndices) Line 368 C++
AkConvolutionReverb.dll!CAkConvolutionReverbFX::Execute(AkAudioBuffer * io_pBuffer) Line 889 C++
[Inline Frame] PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkVPLMixBusNode::ProcessFX(unsigned long) Line 1426 C++
PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkVPLMixBusNode::ProcessAllFX() Line 1387 C++
PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkVPLMixBusNode::GetResultingBuffer() Line 1341 C++
[Inline Frame] PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkLEngine::TransferBuffer(AkVPL *) Line 119 C++
[Inline Frame] PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkLEngine::PerformMixing(bool) Line 2862 C++
PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkLEngine::SoftwarePerform() Line 2276 C++
PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkLEngine::Perform() Line 836 C++
PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkAudioMgr::Perform() Line 576 C++
PROJ-Win64-DebugGame.exe!CAkAudioThread::EventMgrThreadFunc(void * lpParameter) Line 74 C++
[External Code]
[Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for ntdll.dll]
[External Code]
on the thread:
0x00003104 0x00 Worker Thread Win64 Thread AkConvolutionReverb.dll!CAkHalfPrecisionConvolutionEngine::ExecuteChannels
Thank you,