Hi All,
Description: I am experiencing the 'Segment look-ahead plus pre-entry duration is longer than previous segment in sequence' error on the profiler whenever a music transition with 0 bars designation gets played (Setup with the same post-exit and pre entry point as in lesson r in 201 course. The transition file lenght is about a second and music segment lenghts are 10-25 seconds. Transitions play between segments.
Decreasing look-ahead time, as per the manual doesn't seem to fix it.
Only thing that seems to help if I disable the lookahead completely by setting it to 0, however, that doesn't seem like a good idea to me as it may introduce other issues.
At the moment I do not experience any audible errors but documentation says that this error can case music de-synchronisation.
1. Has anybody experienced this error?
2. Is it something I should be worried about or or is it a harmless known issue?
3. Is setting lookahead to 0 a good idea or can it cause any issues?