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+1 vote
To clarify, I would like to stream myself learning the course materials as it provides me a way to focus on the project itself as a way of being productive. Would I be able to stream the content of any of the wwise lessons on twitch (not the exams) for the purposes of learning? Or would there be a potential issue from AudioKinetic's side?
in General Discussion by Benjamin M. (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Benjamin, 

Sounds like a great excuse to be productive :) 
You're welcome to stream or record you going through the certifications, but just make sure you do not show quiz or exam quiz content.
Actually, send us a link to the video content you'll be making and we'll see if we cannot feature it somewhere in a youtube playlist or so. 

Good luck with the stream!

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)