2021-03-29T14:00:45.800Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: A script compilation error occurred during the execution in Unity. Please click Open Log to review the Unity log.
The project was not modified. 100%.
2021-03-29T14:00:45.985Z: POST (328):
https://www.audiokinetic.com/wwise/launcher/?action=getFiles&bundle_id=unity_2021.1.0.7575.2069 err:null statusCode:200 PROXY: null
2021-03-29T14:00:46.385Z: ERROR: Error: A script compilation error occurred during the execution in Unity. Please click Open Log to review the Unity log.
The project was not modified.
2021-03-29T14:00:46.386Z: Tracking: launcher/unity/install/error/ installType:add bundleId:unityintegration.2021_1_0_2069 engineVersion:2018.1.0f2 platformsToInstall:Mac,Windows isCreatingWwiseProject:true projectSize:258175411 errorMessage:A script compilation error occurred during the execution in Unity. Please click Open Log to review the Unity log.
The project was not modified. compilationErrors:
2021-03-29T14:00:46.668Z: Tracking: launcher/unity/recentProjects count:4
2021-03-29T14:01:24.887Z: Tracking: launcher/openLog
2021-03-29T14:04:40.981Z: Checking for deferred analytics (interval 900 sec)
2021-03-29T14:04:40.984Z: Posting deferred analytics file analytics-deferred-posts-{2fb63693def0e34d55964bc5f5f76a61}-{647b151f871830d071076c2909526a8b}.json
2021-03-29T14:04:41.953Z: POST (329):
https://www.audiokinetic.com/wwise/launcher/?action=log err:null statusCode:200 PROXY: null
2021-03-29T14:05:04.642Z: app.on('activate')
I have a project on Unity 2017.1.0.2f. I downloaded the latest Wwise version ( 2021.1 ) also 2017.2 most later version (was used in video tutorial).
And throw the integration process had an error. Please, help to solve the issue.