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Hi, I'm working on a Unity project with Wwise and everything has been working fine in the editor, but not in the build... no audio at all.
Windows is the only platform I'm targetting.

I ran the Wwise profiler to see what kind of errors I get, and I get spammed with the following:

Error Unknown Game Object ID used in SetPosition. RegisterGameObj was never called with this ID.

I also get the following error:

Error AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectInRoom: game object (ID:18446744073709550252) not registered.

I've scoured the internet to try and find a solution and I'm running out of ideas.

This is what I've tried so far:

I've made sure to generate the soundbanks in the Unity project's Assets/StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundbanks/Windows folder.
I've made sure the Header File is generated in Assets/StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundbanks
I've tried building an x86 Architecture as opposed to x86_64.
I've made sure the Soundbank path is correct in Project Settings > Wwise Initialization.
I've tried removing the "Copy SoundBanks at pre-Build step" in Project Settings > Wwise Editor (as I'm only trying to build for Windows standalone rather than multi-platform)
I've made sure the AkInitializer script is in the scripts listed in Project Settings > Script Execution Order (currently the 2nd in the list, not too sure what "correct" configuration would be for this)
I've tried changing the System Sample Rate
I've reintegrated Wwise and upgraded it from 2019.2.8 to 2019.2.9 (the new 2021.1.0 caused issues with my current Unity project)

Unity 2020.1.17f1
Wwise 2019.2.8.7432

Any help appreciated, thanks!

in General Discussion by Geoff B. (130 points)

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