I installed Wwise 2018.1.8.6907 and created an empty unity project in Unity 2018.4.20f1.
When trying to Integrate Wwise to the unit project, I get the following error: "Missing Unity integration platforms from bundle for Wwise SDK copy: Mac, Windows"
Here's a part of the log if it might help:
2021-03-01T15:06:00.857Z: POST (86):
https://www.audiokinetic.com/wwise/launcher/?action=getFiles&bundle_id=unity_2018.1.8.6907.1373 err:null statusCode:200 PROXY: null
2021-03-01T15:06:04.503Z: Game integration: Pushing progress: Missing Unity integration platforms from bundle for Wwise SDK copy: Mac, Windows
The project was not modified. 100%.
2021-03-01T15:06:05.196Z: ERROR: Error: Missing Unity integration platforms from bundle for Wwise SDK copy: Mac, Windows
The project was not modified.
2021-03-01T15:06:05.199Z: Tracking: launcher/unity/install/error/ installType:add bundleId:unityintegration.2018_1_8_1373 engineVersion:2018.4.20f1 platformsToInstall:Mac,Windows isCreatingWwiseProject:true projectSize:54940320 errorMessage:Missing Unity integration platforms from bundle for Wwise SDK copy: Mac, Windows