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Wwise&Unity integration is too unstable

0 votes
Hi, I'm sound designer, working in mobile game company.

I'm using wwise with our unity project, and enjoying the functions in wwise, and it's amazing.

But sometimes, no quite often, the AK components are initialized.

i mean, it's not gone anywhere but the wwise events i choose are initialized or changed to other event.

it's uncomfortable because i have to allocate all events in game object every single time. include my graphic designers and programmers who using unity collaboration with.


i donno it's unity problem or wwise but don't feel stable with this integration.

please check this out and want to hear your answer. thank you.
asked Feb 3, 2021 in General Discussion by Sejin L. (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi Sejin,

What kind of instability are you experiencing? You write "AK Components are initialised" but that sounds to me like it's working properly?
Could you describe in more detail what the problem is? Do you get any error messages in the Profiler?

In my experience, we do have a very solid integration in Unity. Not only because of the team that is maintaining these scripts, but also because a lot of it is based on Unity's own mechanisms. Like when you play events on entering a trigger, the Wwise Unity Integration simply uses the OnTriggerEnter() main function in Unity.

Nevertheless, if you have problems with instability like events not playing consistently, it's always a good idea to hook up the profiler and study the capture log. It may be you need to adjust your Wwise Initialisation Settings, and if so, Wwise would tell you in the Profiler.

Let me know how it goes.
answered Feb 4, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,780 points)