Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

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Hello.  The company I work for is researching Wwise for use with building games in Unity.  A few questions came up that I hope someone can help with:

  • When Unity is releasing an update, a patch, or a new version, at what point does the compatibility with Wwise get verified?  Does Unity check this or does Audiokinetic?
  • Is the compatibility ensured before Unity releases an update or will Audiokinetic provide information after a Unity update?
  • Lastly, are there any specific types of updates/changes in Unity that will typically affect the Wwise integration?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
in General Discussion by Shawn M. (130 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Shawn, 

Glad to hear you're thinking about using Wwise. Here's a quick answer.

When Unity is releasing an update, a patch, or a new version, at what point does the compatibility with Wwise get verified? Does Unity check this or does Audiokinetic?
- We check compatibility with Unity. Take a look at the Release Notes page. If it's there, we've already tested it. If it's not, we may be working on it. 

Is the compatibility ensured before Unity releases an update or will Audiokinetic provide information after a Unity update?
 We follow the released versions of Unity. In most cases, the integration will be compatible with the new Unity release, but the safest solution is always to wait until you see the Unity version in the Compatibility list. 

Lastly, are there any specific types of updates/changes in Unity that will typically affect the Wwise integration?
- In my experience, Unity is very good at gradually implementing new features. So I would not say there's anything that "typically affects" the integration, cause by the time they decide on not supporting that feature anymore, we've already adapted the integration. That said, if you're considering to use a "new" feature, package, and so on, like ECS, you may want to ask about it on this page or reach out to us here to hear how well it works with the integration, before attempting to do so yourself. 

Let me know if this makes sense to you. 

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)
selected by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)