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0 votes
Hey all,

Super new to Wwise here - seems I'm struggling at the first hurdle.

When trying to import any audio file into the Default Work Unit of my Actor-Mixer Hierarchy I seem to get the same error message of "Unknown" in the Import Conflict Manager, status also says "Unknown".

I've tried changing the version of Wwise, changed directory, file names, different files... seems odd and I'm stumped.

Thanks in advance for the help!
in General Discussion by Alex R. (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

It is indeed strange ...
What audio format are you trying to load?
Can you do a Screen of the problem?
by Théophile Demarcq (1.9k points)
Thanks so much for the reply.
Trying to load standard .wav files at 24 bit, 48k
Please see link below for a screen grab:

On the screen you sent the window says: "Import conflict Manager", normally it should be "Audio File Importer" (see link below)
How do you import your sounds?
There are several ways to do this but either you right click and "Import Audio Files" or Shift + I
Are you doing this manipulation?
Yep, that's right! I pull in the file(s) via the window in your screen shot, hit "Import" and then Import Conflict Manager pops up with Unknown errors - really doesn't make sense!

Could it be a bug related to the file system? I tried importing into a different folder, with no luck, also tried creating a new file to a new destination but couldn't figure that out either.

Thanks again!
Hi, did you manage to solve this issue? I can't find any definitive answer on this thread but yet there's no follow up?