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0 votes
Hi, I'm trying to use 'Mastering Suite' plug-in.

I want to change some parameters(such as, Multiband-compressor's fisrt band's threshold or Gain..etc)  with game parameters via RTPC.

But in the RTPC tab in the plug-in, when i clicked create button, there is no choice i can select.

Is there anyway I could change parameters with RTPC in Mastering Suite?

Thank you.
in General Discussion by MMyyoo (200 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Hi MMyyoo, 

It is unforunately not possible to connect RTPC's to Mastering Suite properties. 
Instead you can use the Wwise Compressor and if you need a quick introduction to it, there's a bit about it in Wwise-201

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)
selected by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)
Thank you for the answer.
Perhaps,Is there a plan for support this function in the future?
Thank you.
+2 votes

You could also try my multiband compressor plugin, Polyspectral MBC. All the band parameters can be driven by RTPC.

by Ethan F. (190 points)
Thank you for the answer,
yes, I'm also trying to use Polyspetral MBC and McDSP ML1 for mastering too.
I wondered i could control the parameters of Mastering Suite with RTPC just like as those plug-ins.