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+1 vote

The Wwise 2019.2.6 Authoring tool can't connect to a runtime Sound Engine that is not Wwise 2019.2.6 or newer. The "WG-49532 Improved performance and memory usage of Game Profiler when capturing." bug fix required a change in the Wwise Communication module that broke compatibility.

in General Discussion by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic) (5.8k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
If you want to profile a game running Wwise 2019.2.5 or older, the Wwise 2019.2.5 Authoring tool must be used. Games upgraded to Wwise 2019.2.6 will require the 2019.2.6 Authoring tool for Communications to work.
by Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic) (5.8k points)