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I've been getting this error in my cloud builds (windows/android)

`ShaderCompiler: failed to get available platforms. Likely the shader compiler crashed at initialization time. Will retry. Error: Failed writing data to socket`

This *only* happens when I have the Wwise unity integration installed in the project.  I've tried various versions, and anything before the 2019.2.0.7216 version (Unity Integration 19) has no problems, that one and anything after make the error happen.  Very weird because wwise doesn't do anything with shaders afaik!

I think I've also narrowed it down to the code (in the API or Components folder) and not a plugin/dll.  This is even stranger, but I'm now at the limit of what I can debug from my local machine - does anyone have any idea what might be causing this and how I can solve it?


in General Discussion by Chris M. (140 points)

1 Answer

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We started seeing something recently with wwise 2019.2.2 (Unity integration 2019.2.2.1749) in Unity 2019.416.

Thankfully, we stumbled upon this initial thread:


That pointed us in the direction of this thread which, albeit with a different error (too many open files) had a solution (Best Answer reply) that solved our problem


TLDR: System.IO.FileSystemWatcher causes issues when built on a mac, which most if-not all UCB mobile builds are, and that caused problems stemming from the AkWwiseXmlWatcher.cs file
by Ibs R. (150 points)