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So I have followed a few different tutorials to use Heavy Compiler to compile a PureData project into a Wwise plugin. These tutorials are all for windows systems, where the .dll file is generated and can be placed in the plugin folder. However, on mac I generate a dylib file using xcode. I have copied the dylib into Audiokinetic/Wwise\ 2019.2.5.7349/SDK/Mac/Release/bin, where I assume the plugins are loaded on a mac. However, the plugin does not show up in Wwise.

I am quite new to Wwise plugins so my apologies if I am doing something very obvious wrong.. Thanks for your help!

in General Discussion by stijn d. (130 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hi there,
To build the plugin dll and xml for the Authoring tool.
You need to compile it using Visual Studio under Windows.
That's because Wwise under macOS is actually running under a Windows emulator called wine.

Also when deploying the Authoring tool plugin,
remember not to follow hvcc's documentation on github,
as it's outdated.

You will need to deploy the dll and xml to the following address:
/Library/Application Support/Audiokinetic/Wwise\ 2019.2.6.7381/Authoring/x64/Release/bin/Plugins

Use the Finder to find it,
where the SDK version is filled out according to your situation.

by Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic) (6.0k points)
selected by Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic)