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Hi all

I have a serious problem with my wwise intergration in unity.

I intergrated Wwise into unity, and everything worked. I then recieved a push on GIT and since it stopped working (we checked GIT and nothing in there should have anything to do with it)

When I play a sound in the Editor on the AkEvent its telling me "Event ID not found" as if were missing the appropiate soundbank

When I play the game is "missing game obejct ID" and when I stop is writes "Sound engine initialized succesfully" everytime, don't know if it suppose to do that?

Unity also unchecks the AkGameObj by it self when I play sometimes, and then I can't re-enable it, also resetting the AkEvent and AkBank so that it doesn't have a event/bank assaigned to it anymore.

I have tried different soundbanks/events, re-intergrated Wwise into unity, and even made a new Wwise project and nothings works.

Any help is much appreciated

closed with the note: All I can say is that I am almost 100% sure that the problem is somewhere in unity's end and not Wwises.
in General Discussion by Lasse Skak E. (110 points)
closed by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)
I saw the comments mentioning that turning off "Skip Reload Domain" fixes this issue. But maybe you don't need to disable that option.

You can try the fixes I posted on this other question, to see if they fix your issue while still retaining the option to work with disabled Domain Reload for faster iteration:

1 Answer

0 votes
Hey Lasse,

Did you try deleting your SoundBanks completely (along with the Wwise IDs) and then re-generate?
If that doesn't help, try to copy the event ID and in the WwiseIDs file, search and see if you can find it.

Let me know how it goes.
by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)
I'm on unity 2019.4.10f1 and Wwise 2019.2.5.7349.
I get no errors in a completely blank scene, but yes I checked the camera for listener and even added a manuel script with registergameobject on start/awake to no help.

In the end we made a new unity and Wwise project and copied the assets and so on over, and finally it works, but I don't really consider that a fix, but we had to move on.

Again, I appreciate all of your help (and the Wwise 301 videos too. (-8 ), and sorry that I can't provide a definit solution for anyone else who encounters this problem, though I think its related to our sharing of files on GIT, and therefore probably an unique error.
All I can say is that I am almost 100% sure that the problem is somewhere in unity's end and not Wwises.
See you out there!
Alright. Good to hear. Thanks for letting us know.
Update here............................
Apparently our gamedesigner applied a setting in unity under project settings called "Enter Play Mode Options (Experimental)", and it seems that that causes the error. It is made to make the game start faster, but it does so that Wwise don't have time to load the soundbank before starting?? or something like that.
Anyway, NOW that we were doing something else he remembered checking that box and the causes the error again in the new project (And unchecking it fixes it, luckily), so problem solved.
2 full work days for unchecking a box, I wish it was a paid project haha.
Thanks again
I just fixed it this way too.  Turned off the "Enter Playmode Settings" -> Skip "Reload Domain" option, in Unity -> Project Settings -> Editor, and everything worked.
I wanted to say a big thank you for taking the time to update us on this matter. Turns out I had the same option turned on. I could have wasted days trying to find the solution, so really thank you.