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Nothing works or makes sense - can't seem to find a thorough video about switching between music layers

0 votes

I'm sorry if this seems like a very dumb question but I'm completely new to this and have yet to find a full video explaining how to do this transition.

So I just want to create music transitions in unity with wwise. With 4 triggers on the map which trigger a different audio track and intergrates between them smoothly. I watched a video on "switching between musical layers using states and collider" which seemed easy enough but they never went into detail on how to make the states or the beginning.  Also, when I put audio in a state or even in the "audio" column no music plays in the game.

Any help will be appreciated, thank you!
asked Aug 30, 2020 in General Discussion by Jennia D. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hey Jenna, 

For the Wwise side of things, I would recommend watching the Wwise-201 playlist. There's also this good old video even though Wwise might look quite different now. On an introduction to States, you could check out the Wwise-101 course

For the Unity side of things, we've got the Wwise-301 course. In the documentation, you'll find a section for setting States, even though it's used for something else than music. To play the music Event, I would use a AkEvent

Let us know if any of this helps you out. 

answered Sep 1, 2020 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,780 points)