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I'm currently going through Lesson 7 in the Wwise 101 Fundamentals course and I've made it through to the very bottom of the "Working with Multiple SoundBanks" page, where you've inserted all objects to their respective SoundBanks, you generate them and it provides an error afterwards as you've exceeded the memory budget. The "Generating SoundBanks" window does appear and displays two warnings specifying I've exceeded memory budgets as expected, however after closing the window there are no value changes within the Data Size, Decoded Size & Free Space columns within the SoundBank Manager view. Of course this means I'm not aware as to how much I've exceeded the memory size and wouldn't know by how much I'd need the reduce the file size by. I have chosen the correct platform (being Windows), but it seems my page differs to the one within the lesson.

How it should be: (Bottom of page)
My issue:

Any help in gaining a better understanding as to why this is the case would be massively appreciated,

Many Thanks.

in General Discussion by Kieran S. (100 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hey Kieran,

What platform did you select in the platform selector (top left corner of Wwise)? 
For instance, if you only generated the Windows SoundBanks and you're platform selector is set to Mac, then you wouldn't see any new estimates. 

Let me know if that's it, else how does your SoundBank Manager > User Settings look like? 

by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)
Hey Mads,

You hit the nail on the head, the selected platform was indeed Mac. After changing it to Windows, everything looked as it should.

Thank you very much for helping me out!