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Hey, we wanted to try out the new version of wise, so dropped it ontop of a clean Vanilia UE 4.4 QA Drop so our audio guys could try out some of the new features ( they were happy about LFO ;) ).

For me at least, it worked fine, but when our audio designer tried to export the sound banks, it crashed the Unreal Editor. Ironically, the bnk files were generated fine, so he could just restart and try it out, but I wanted to draw this to your attention.

He is currently busy recording VO, but when I get a chance I will try and repro it on his machine and try to get a call stack for you guys.


in General Discussion by David B. (210 points)
When you get around to reproducing this, pay attention to the Output Log window in the UE Editor, we print warnings/errors in this log when generating SoundBanks. You can also look at WwiseOutputFile.log located in the same directory as your .uproject.

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