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Could not find plugin dynamic library AkSoundEngineDLL

0 votes

After upgrading to UE4 4.23 + Wwise 2019.2.1 we are still getting linking errors and a plug-in missing error even after manually linking the missing DLL's. Can anybody clarify how to re-link AkSoundEngineDLL and which plugin the cryptically named 8454147 is ? Since upgrading we have encountered some extreme crackling and voice starvation on certain CPU's and the profiler inside wwise will also not relay any CPU profiling information at all. 

LogAkAudio: Error: Could not find plugin dynamic library AkSoundEngineDLL
LogAkAudio: Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147



asked Jun 23, 2020 in General Discussion by Mark W. (100 points)
AK Error: Could not register plug-in: AkSoundEngineDLL
AK Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147
AK Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147
AK Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147
AK Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147

1 Answer

0 votes
AK Error: Could not register plug-in: AkSoundEngineDLL
AK Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147
AK Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147
AK Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147
AK Error: Plug-in not found: 8454147
answered Jul 16 by afd d. (310 points)