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Main thread freezes when using Dissonance with Wwise.
We are using Wwise for the sounds of the project, Dissonance for voice chat. But we can't use any functionalities of Wwise or Dissonance, whenever we terminate Wwise or destroy Dissonance when they both live, the main thread freezes suddenly.

We assume they both use the same native sound library.
The Problem only occurs on iOS.

Is there any solution to this? We got stuck at this stage.

Unity : Disable Unity Audio not ticked (Wwise suggests it as ticked and for Dissonance must not ticked)
Platform : iOS (Android and Unity Editor works properly)
Unity Version : 2019.3.4f1
Wwise Version : 2019.1.4
Dissonance Version : 6.4.4 (We are using custom network backend)

in General Discussion by Ozgur S. (100 points)

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