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+1 vote

I'm trying to make little program for automate importing tsv files via the waapi with Python.
I want to make a argument selectable during importing.
It is an's argument which is 'importLanguage'.

Of course, I could provide as string that I manually type, such as 'English(US)', 'Korean',
but can I get the language list of the project where I wanna import? I mean the list of language we could check in Language Manager.

If i can, is there waapi API reference function for get the language list?
Or, is there a setting file that i could parse?

Thank you.
in General Discussion by MMyyoo (200 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer


You query the language list, however, you will need to filter out "Mixed", "SFX", "External", "SoundSeed Grain".

from waapi import WaapiClient
import pprint

# Connect (default URL)
client = WaapiClient()

# Return all targets
args = {
    "from": {
        "ofType": [

options = {
    "return": ['name', 'id']
result ="ak.wwise.core.object.get", args, options=options)

# Disconnect

by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35.8k points)
selected by MMyyoo
Thank you for the answer.

Anyway, I found other way, that is parsing the wproj file as xml.
but I will use waapi like your answer! it would be better.
thank you agian!