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On IPhoneXR, Fist Open Other Company's Game, And Then Open Our Game, Our Game Crashed On InitializedSoundEngine Function Call. 


Crash Call Stack Below: 




Log On XCode Termianl : 

Wwise warning: AkInitializer.cs Awake() was not executed yet.  Set the Script Execution Order properly so the current call is executed after.AK Info: Number of detected and configured output channels: 2

AK Info: Using output port: 扬声器 of type Speaker with 2 output channel(s)

AK::Comm -> DiscoveryChannel::Init() -> m_socket.Bind() failed, requested port == 24024 (AkCommSettings::ports.uDiscoveryBroadcast)

GGGG-Test(65877,0x10dcbef80) malloc: *** error for object 0x1201da398: pointer being freed was not allocated

GGGG-Test(65877,0x10dcbef80) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

in General Discussion by wanwan z. (100 points)

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