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Exporting MIDI from Synth One as a Wav

0 votes
Dear Wwise Community,

I try to export my MIDI as a wav file with the effect called recorder. I am able to use recorder to export any SFX to a wav, no problem! However, when I use recorder to export MIDI as a wav file, it only exported 1 note. Anyone know if it is possible to export my MIDI music segment as a wav?


I tried to put the recorder in the MIDI music segment's effect tab, in Synth one's effect tab, and the master audio bus' effect tab, I still get the same result - 1 note. This is crazy. if it is Logic Pro or Pro Tools, super easy.



Collin Chu
asked Apr 17, 2020 in General Discussion by Collin C. (100 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi Collin,

If I understand your question, correctly, you want to record the audio that  Synth 1 generates from your Music that is a Midi file.

Place the Recorder plugin on the sound that has your Synth 1.

Play the music segment that has the midi file in it. You should hear the midi being played on the Synth 1, and a wave file that is the audio you just heard should be found at where ever you have set the output path of the Recorder plugin.
answered Apr 20, 2020 by Simon P. (590 points)
I understand what you said. I stated what you said on my questions and did exactly, but it only recorded my last note of the MIDI music segment. Are you able to record the entire MIDI music segment?

0 votes
I know we chatted on LinkedIn about this answer, but for anyone else reading, Simon is correct. The recorder has to be placed on a bus.

If placed on a MIDI clip: Nothing will be recorded as no audio is passed from this clip to the recorder effect. It's just MIDI data

If placed on a Music Segment that houses a MIDI clip: Still no audio wil lbe recorded as the MIDI file is just passing data

If placed on the Synth One SFX: Only one note will be recorded. Synth one plays once per note from your MIDI. Recorder only records once per play of the SFX. So every note gets recorded and then overwritten. It won't append a number onto the file

If you place it on a Bus: You will get a wav recording of your MIDI file. But note, you don't have to have both the MIDI and the synth going to the same bus. Wherever your synth is routed to put the recorder there.

Remember, Synth One only takes the data from the MIDI clip, then plays each note once as an SFX, these are all sent individually to the Bus of your choosing.

All the best!
answered Mar 27, 2022 by Curtis (500 points)