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AK::StreamMgr::Create failed on PS4 since we upgraded to 2019.2.1.7250 (we were at 2019.1.0.6947)

Here's our code

// Initialize the memory manager.

AkMemSettings MemSettings;


if (AK::MemoryMgr::Init(&MemSettings) != AK_Success)


UE_LOG(LogSounds, Error, TEXT("[Wwise] Could not create the memory manager"));

return false;



// Initialize the default streaming manager.

// it could be overridden

// Default streaming buffer size: 64KB

AkStreamMgrSettings StreamSettings;


if (AK::StreamMgr::Create(StreamSettings) == nullptr)


UE_LOG(LogSounds, Error, TEXT("[Wwise] Could not create the streaming manager"));

return false;


That works perfectly on PC and Xbox but failed on PS4.


in General Discussion by Reflector (110 points)

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