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电脑系统:Windows 10

疑点:在课件 WWISE-251 > 安装wwise 课件 通过 Download Assistant 安装 Unity 一课中,我遵循指导登录了 Unity Download Archive 下载所需要的unity系统(版本2018.4.0f1)当来到 Unity component selection 界面的时候并没有出现 Documentation 和 Standard Asset 的选项。(可能这个时候已经和课件中的版本无法互相匹配了。)

现象:unity安装完毕后WAG的 Open in Unity 的按钮一直是灰色的。不知道应该如何打开。

closed with the note: 问题已经解决。
in Feature Requests by 腾瑞 (100 points)
closed by 腾瑞

1 Answer

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Hello 腾瑞

Sorry to hear you're having problems with opening WAG. 

If you're having a greyed out 'Open in Unity' button, you can either try to update your Wwise Launcher or open the Unity Hub (or just 'Unity 2018.4.x') and open it from there. If it cannot find the project then find it manually and select the 'WwiseAdventureGameSource' folder. 

Also, here's a related post to yours. 

Let me know if this helps

TRANSLATED (by google): 


如果您有一个灰色的“在Unity中打开”按钮,则可以尝试更新Wwise Launcher或打开Unity Hub(或仅打开“ Unity 2018.4.x”)并从那里打开它。 如果找不到项目,请手动找到它,然后选择“ WwiseAdventureGameSource”文件夹。



by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)