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In release notes about Wwise 2019.2.1.7250 (and corresponding UE4 integration) there is a mention about localization support.

Now I'v migrated my project to new version of WWISE and opted-in for the new resource management, all is fine for my 'Sound SFX' items, but all my 'Sound Voice' items (localizable voiceovers) do not play at all (even in content browser), they just say: 'Event ID not found: 3931828337.', If I look into the bank where 'Sound Voice' items live, there is an entry for them.

(they are in: `Content\WwiseAudio\Localized\English(US)\Media` not in `Content\WwiseAudio\Media` - this is IMHO intended).

So my question is - why they are not playing in UE4 ? I need to add some extra steps for localizable items ?
in General Discussion by Mariusz S. (110 points)
I'm having this exact issue too. Same errors too. Anyone have any ideas?

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