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I have a problem that I cannot solve:

I'm working on Unity on a racing game where there are different types of vehicles and therefore, different types of engines.
The vehicles are in prefabs and I put an "AkSwitch" on "Start" for each engine sound.
When the vehicle is loaded, I can see that the switch changes (in the Profiler), but the switch does not change the sound of the engine.

I believe it came from the Scope Global or Scope Game Object. I don't know how to fix this.

Or, Is it possible that it comes from the fact that we change Scene between the 2 actions? A first scene of boat selection changes the switches and then we go to a next scene for the race ...

Thank you for you answer

Théophile Demarcq
in General Discussion by Théophile Demarcq (1.8k points)
edited by Théophile Demarcq

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