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It would be very interesting to be able to mute and solo the different blend tracks during the edition of the Blend Container.
There, the only solution is to stop the reading and to check and uncheck the Sfx sounds ...
It would be time and workflow to gain ;o)

Théophile Demarcq
in Feature Requests by Théophile Demarcq (1.7k points)
I'm reworking on blend tracks right now and I think it's really great to put that in place. There, you have to stop the sound, uncheck, reset the sound, re-check ...

And in addition there are bugs: When you launch a blend track and release a sound, you no longer stop it because the sound is unchecked ...

There are also a lot of bugs with the Pitches and the volume when you sweep the RTPC, you often have to stop the sound and restart it ...

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